When evaluating your bathroom for a renovation project, there are usually two motivating lines of question behind inclusions in the new bathroom: do I want it (will it improve my lifestyle / experience) and will it add value to my property. After all, if you’re going to the trouble to renovate, it makes sense that your choices should be geared to deliver the best outcome. One of the most popular questions is about bath tubs – “should my bathroom have a bath tub?” In this brief article, we examine this important pre-renovation question to determine the answer once and for all. Let’s check it out.
Why Bathtubs?
Bathtubs come from another era – a time before plumbing. They are not the most efficient way to wash in this day and age. Compared to a shower, they use much more water for a typical wash. However, bath tubs have old-world charm – their aesthetic delivers notes of luxury and indulgence that make them a significant addition to a modern bathroom.

Consumer Preferences
So, do people still want bath tubs in their bathrooms? The answer is: yes. Our love-affair with bath tubs continues on. We love their lines, shapes and format in our bathrooms. They also continue to be practical in some ways. For example, some parents find bathtubs to be the best way to wash (and temporarily occupy) their small children. Other people like to kick back in the tub and watch a game of golf (see picture below). Whether it’s their style or an aspect of their functionality, the popularity of bath tubs endures!

Important Points for Assessment
- Financial Sense / ROI
Naturally, all actions should make financial sense. If adding a bath tub will cost more than the value to the property created by having the bath tub, then it may not make sense to proceed. We can help you evaluate your options to get a better idea of what’s involved in the inclusion of a bath tub. - Bath Tub vs Bath Room
Having a bath tub is great, but it doesn’t trump having a great bathroom. In other words, it’s better to have a holistic and well-designed bathroom than one with any particular inclusion that may compromise the design.

Existing Bath Tub
if the pre-renovation bathroom already has a bath tub, it’s easier to include a bath tub in the renovation project, and most likely a good idea to do so. Having a pre-existing bath tub means there is already sufficient space and existing plumbing in place to support a bath tub.
No Existing Bath Tub
In the absence of an existing bath tub, design and construction choices must be made to accomodate the new tub. Bathrooms aren’t typically designed with a surplus of space, but adding a bath tub where there was no tub before is certainly possible. In some of our Gold Coast renovation projects, we take out walls or merge rooms together to create more spacious areas to accomodate bath tubs or other modifications.
Re-Using an Old Tub
The option to re-use pre-existing bathroom elements (like an old bath tub) is sometimes worthy of consideration. With bath tubs, it depends on the quality and style of the tub, and how it will relate to the vision of the new bathroom. This type of approach can be inconvenient, as new elements must be included with the vision of matching the old elements.
Going without a Bath Tub
Whether your pre-renovation bathroom has a bath tub or not, you always have the option of going without a tub. This may create a better bathroom, especially if the old one was cramped or poorly designed. At the end of the day, what may be more important than having a bathtub is having a soundly designed and functional bathroom. A bath tub is just a bonus compared to this.
Finding a Way Forward
In any renovation, the best solution is a compromise between your objectives, your budget, access to materials and the skills to make it all happen. If you’re considering a bath tub for your renovation project, our team is here to help. We provide a free renovation consultation and quote – make a booking and discuss your Gold Coast bathroom renovation project: